VDOT hosted their 14th annual transportation career fair on October 4th, 2018. The event showcased different careers in transportation to high school students in the Northern Virginia area.
The event showcased different careers in transportation to high school students in the Northern Virginia area. VDOT hosted their 14th annual transportation career fair on October 4th, 2018. The event showcased different careers in transportation to high school students in the Northern Virginia area. Exhibits invited local representatives from careers ranging from construction to emergency roadway management to come to the fair and discuss their job and journey to their current career. Amongst the exhibitors, the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute was in attendance to present information about the Safe-D National UTC fund and about careers in transportation research.
Alexis Basantis, a graduate research assistant at VTTI, talked with the students about research projects being conducted both at VTTI and through the Safe-D National UTC.
However, this year, the most engaging aspect of the booth was the showcasing of the 2018 Tesla Model X, a research vehicle used at VTTI. Students, educators, and fellow exhibitors alike were excited to see the vehicle and enjoyed the opportunity to get up close and personal with the research vehicle. Students were also able to ask any questions that they had regarding the Tesla’s capabilities and its uses for research.
By having representatives available to answer specific student questions regarding transportation careers and showcasing exciting advances in the industry, the VDOT career fair gives participants the unique opportunity to both learn and get excited about the future of transportation.

[/media-credit] Students and educators were given the opportunity to operate the vehicle’s automatic doors and examine the in-vehicle display systems.