Researchers from TTI presented results of Safe-D projects presented results at conferences in Toronto, Canada, Detroit, Michigan, and Durham, NC.
Chris Simek (TTI) presented results from Safe-D Project 02-010: Safety Perceptions of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) by the Blind and Visually Impaired (BVI) at the 2019 AAPOR Annual Conference, which took place in May 2019 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in a session titled The Politics and the Personal of Health Care. During this well-attended session, Dr. Simek was able to field questions after the presentation, during the time allotted for panel members to speak. Dr. Simek continues to receive positive feedback on his research, from both researchers and practitioners, as well as those in the BVI community.
Abhishek Nayak (TTI/TAMU student) presented his work from Safe-D Project 03-051: Response of Autonomous Vehicles to Emergency Response Vehicles at the SAE WCX 2019 conference, held at Detroit, Michigan during April 9-11, 2019 and the CSCRS Safe systems Summit held at Durham, NC during April 23-24, 2019. Abhishek provided the following reflection on his experience:
“At the SAE conference I presented a paper titled “Vision-based techniques for identifying Emergency vehicles” in the session titled Driver Assistance Systems: Algorithms, Applications and Electronic Sensing (Perceptions AND Other ADAS related). It was attended by about 40 people to whom I presented our findings from our Emergency vehicles Safe-D project. The audience were interested in our project and the progress we made towards identifying emergency vehicles. I had the opportunity to talk to industry professionals who helped me with their insights into how my research with TTI is of relevance to them. The conference helped me broaden my knowledge on the current research trends and on how the Automotive industry is excited about ADAS technologies that would help make the transportation sector safer.
At CSCRS Summit I presented a poster “Response of Emergency vehicles to Autonomous vehicles” which captures our research work on the Emergency vehicles Safe-D project. The summit was focused on exploring the complexity of transportation systems and the changing nature of safety challenges. There were about 30 poster presentations and the people who visited our poster booth were excited about our efforts at Texas A&M and how our emergency vehicle project would be significant towards improving transportation safety. I had the opportunity to interact with researchers from other universities and discuss the research areas they are looking at towards improving transportation safety.”