Please join us for the next webinar in the Safe-D Webinar Series, to be held February 12th from 4-5pm EST.
Upcoming Webinar: Street Noise Relationship to Vulnerable Road User Safety
Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Time: 4-5 PM EST
Join the Webinar
Webinar Overview
This webinar shares results of recent research that related bicycle crash rates to noise levels—measured from the bicycle handlebar in two cities. The study developed a method for evaluating street noise and documented crash rates for roadways in Austin, Texas, and Washington, D.C., in a manner that is replicable by researchers and practitioners. Researchers collected street-level noise in both cities over a range of locations, facility types, and times, and compared these against crash records, normalized by bicycle volumes, and other explanatory variables. Modeling explained 87% of the variation in crash risk in our Washington, DC Capital Area route, after controlling for infrastructure differences and nearby bicycle commute mode shares. Further explorations of street noise are needed to improve further guidance for transportation planning and design.
This webinar features research from Safe-D Project 02-027: Street Noise Relationship to Vulnerable Road User Safety