Alex Noble (VT) is was recently recognized as the 2019 Safe-D National UTC Student of the year for her numerous contributions and extraordinary efforts during the past year at the CUTC Annual Awards Banquet held on January 11th, 2020 in Washington, D.C.
The event celebrated the outstanding students and faculty who have contributed to transportation research and education. 300 distinguished transportation leaders were in attendance representing academia, the transportation industry, and the government. In the above picture, Alex Noble (middle) is pictured receiving her award from Caesar Singh, Director, University Transportation Centers (UTC) Grants Program (left) and Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, U.S Department of Transportation (right).
Alex Noble is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at Virginia Tech. She was also recognized for the best student paper at the HFES annual meeting in Seattle back in November. Alex’s research focus has been on studying driver behavior with emerging technologies, however, she also has gained experience researching and evaluating novice driver’s behavior and distracted driving through her work with the Center for Vulnerable Road User Safety (CVRUS). Alex’s most recent research project evaluated the differences between participants studying an operator’s manual vs interactive multimedia training for driving automation systems. The study was a collaborative effort with researchers from VTTI, TTI, and SDSU in order to make recommendations concerning training for automated vehicle systems moving forward. Her passion for transportation safety, human factors, and dedicated research is evidence of her commitment to being a force for positive change in the industry!