Safe-D Students, the Lemelson-MIT student prize is awarding graduate and undergraduate students from around the country with funding and development opportunities for their inventions!
The Lemelson-MIT Student Prize is a nationwide invention competition that honors undergraduate teams and individual graduate students who have developed technology-based inventions with tested prototypes in categories that represent significant sectors of the economy: healthcare, food/water and agriculture, transportation and mobility, and consumer devices and products. In each of the four prize categories, undergraduate teams win $10,000 for their invention and graduate students win $15,000 in recognition of their portfolio of inventions. In addition, winners receive a national media campaign, exposure to investment and business communities, and a paid trip to an award celebration (EurekaFest) in June 2021.
To qualify for the competition undergraduate teams must consist of 2-5 members with a tested prototype of one invention that falls under the four significant sectors of the economy mentioned above. Individual graduate students must have two tested prototypes that fit into one of the four categories however both inventions do not have to be in the same sector.
To be considered for this award your invention must be your own technology or intellectual property. If you are currently working with propriety technology or have any other questions please consult your PI before you enter the competition.
Application Deadline: September 25, 2020
Apply Here: Lemelson-MIT Student Prize 2020