Safe-D has selected nine research projects for award under the Center’s first call for original research proposals. The funded projects are broadly aligned with the Safe-D primary focus area, “Promoting Safety,” and span the Center’s four key theme areas: transportation as a service, big data analytics, automation, and connectivity. Each successful proposal contained detailed plans for Technology Transfer and Education & Workforce Development, which are critical to the Safe-D mission. All selected projects build upon the strengths of the consortium members (VTTI, TTI, & SDSU), and three represent collaborative efforts among the consortium members and their associated universities (Virginia … Safe-D Awards Spring 2017 Research Projects
Safe-D is pleased to announce the award of seven initial research projects. These collaborative projects build on the expertise of our staff and faculty, and utilize the world-class facilities of three consortium members: VTTI, TTI, & SDSU. As they are fundamental components of the Safe-D National UTC, these projects include student support as well as Education & Workforce Development and Technology Transfer Plans. Safe-D feels strongly that these research projects contribute to the Center’s overall Vision and Mission. We are excited about working with these bright teams of researchers and looking forward to the outcomes of their research. Descriptions of … Initial Safe-D Research Projects Awarded