As new intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication systems and protocols continue to emerge, additional training on those systems and protocols is needed for personnel working in the transportation sector. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has already created a training program focusing on general topics pertaining to connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and they have recently identified a need for a more specific program focusing on communication technologies as they relate to CAVs. To address this need, VTTI plans to develop a 60-minute training course that includes a narrated PowerPoint presentation in conjunction with learning assessments. This training will cover high-level overviews of various types of communications, main use cases for each type of communication, vocabulary, and key protocols currently being utilized by industry owner-operators (IOOs), original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and industry technology providers.
Project Highlights
This project developed a training program that provides a high-level overview of the types of communications that support intelligent transportation systems, traffic management, and connected vehicle environments including descriptions of the communication technologies, protocols, performance metrics, use cases, and data security.
The developed training will be utilized by VDOT and VTRC. These training materials are also available to students and the general public.
Final Report
EWD & T2 Products
- This project developed Communications Training Modules with a script for each slide.
- The following training videos are meant to assist in the guided modules: V2V EEBL; V2V PSM; V2V RLVW; I2I ISIG, Frequency Allocation for ITS; and Conclusion Video.
- The project created quizzes and tests on the communications training modules, which can be found here: Quiz/Test or Quiz/Test with Answers.
- Student Impact Statement-Abhay Kaniattu: The student working on this project provided an impact statement describing what the project allowed them to learn/do/practice and how it benefited their education.
2/02/2022 VTRC/VDOT Workshop/Meeting – Communication Training Materials Overview Discussion and Development
4/20/2022 VTRC/VDOT Bi-Weekly Meeting – Communication Training Materials Overview Discussion and Development
Final Dataset
This project did not generate any data.
Research Investigators (PI*)
Mike Mollenhauer (VTTI)*
Sarah Robinson (VTTI/VT)
Jean Paul Talledo Vilela (VTTI/VT)
Will Vaughan (VTTI/VT)
Project Information
Start Date: 2021-11-25
End Date: 2022-08-31
Status: Completed
Grant Number: 69A3551747115
Total Funding: $25,000
Source Organization: Safe-D National UTC
Project Number: 06-008
Safe-D Theme Areas
Automated Vehicles
Connected Vehicles
Safe-D Application Areas
Vehicle Technology
Infrastructure Technology
More Information
Sponsor Organization
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590 United States
Performing Organization
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
3500 Transportation Research Plaza
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061