VTTI-05-113 Evaluation Tools for Low-Speed Automated Vehicle (LSAV) Transit Readiness of the Area

VTTI-05-082 Lane Change Hazard Analysis Using Radar Traces to Identify Conflicts and Time-To-Collision Measures

TTI-06-01 Connected Vehicle Information for Improving Safety Related to Unknown or Inadequate Truck Parking

VTTI-00-027 Impact of Automated Vehicle External Communication on Other Road User Behavior

Autonomous Delivery Vehicle as a Disruptive Technology: How to Shape the Future with a Focus on Safety?

TTI-01-02 Creating a Smart Connected Corridor to Support Research into Connected and Automated Vehicles

VTTI-00-028 Driving Risk Assessment Based on High-frequency, High-resolution Telematics Data

04-117 A Sensor Fusion and Localization System for improving Vehicle Safety in Challenging Weather Conditions