Safe-D: Safety through Disruption


Safe-D Hosts International Scholar Óscar Mata

Safe-D researchers and VTTI hosted international scholar Óscar Mata from the University of the Basque Country – Digital Electronics Design Group on Thursday, January 30th.

Safe-D Researchers Present at DOT’s Accessibility and Mobility for All Summit

The United States Department of Transportation held the Accessibility and Mobility for All Summit on October 29, 2019 in Washington, D.C.

VTTI/Safe-D Hosts USDOT Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, Diana Furchtgott-Roth and Attendees of FAST-zero Symposium

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, and other attendees from the Future Active Saftey Technology(FAST) Toward Zero Accidents Symposium visited VTTI on a tour to learn more about VTTI and Safe-D research.

Safe-D Researchers Present Results Domestically and Internationally

Researchers from TTI presented results of Safe-D projects presented results at conferences in Toronto, Canada, Detroit, Michigan, and Durham, NC.

Safe-D Represented at the UTC Spotlight Conference

VTTI/VT researchers and students represented the Safe-D National UTC to Congress at the UTC Spotlight Conference in Washington, DC.

Safe-D Researchers Present at the 4th Annual TTI Transportation Technology Conference

Safe-D researchers from TTI and VTTI presented results of their projects at the 4th Annual TTI Transportation Technology Conference, held from April 29 – May 1, 2019.