TTI-01-03 Comparison of SHRP2 Naturalistic Driving Data to Geometric Design Speed Characteristics on Freeway Ramps Final Research Report

02-008 Optimizing the Lateral Wandering of Automated Vehicles to Improve Roadway Safety and Pavement Life

TTI-03-01 Emerging Legal Issues for Transportation Researchers Using Passively Collected Data Sets

03-050 Design and Evaluation of a Connected Work Zone Hazard Detection and Communication System for Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs)

03-040 Examining Senior Drivers Adaptation to Mixed Level Automated Vehicles: A Naturalistic Study

01-001 Analyzing Highway Safety Datasets: Simplifying Statistical Analyses from Sparse to Big Data

TTI-Student-04 Motorcycle Crash Data Analysis to Support Development of a Retrofit Concrete Barrier System for Freeway Ramps

02-016 Final Research Report: Older Drivers and Transportation Network Companies: Investigating Opportunities for Increased Safety and Improved Mobility

TTI-01-04 Final Research Report: Influences on Bicyclists and Motor Vehicles Operating Speed within a Corridor