NEC developed a Video Analytics implementation for traffic intersections using 5G technology. This implementation included both hardware infrastructure and software applications supporting 5G communications, which allows low latency and secure communications. The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) worked with NEC to facilitate the usage of a 3,400- to 3,500-MHz program experimental license band without SAS integration to successfully implement a private 5G deployment at the VTTI Smart Road intersection and data center. Specific use cases were developed to provide alerting mechanisms to both pedestrians and vehicles using cellular vehicle-to-everything/PC5 technology when approaching a traffic intersection and a dangerous situation is detected.
Project Highlights
- The Private 5G Network implementation project includes Edge computing systems located at VTTI Smart Road Intersection along with connected camera sensors using a Private 5G Link. These Smart intersection systems connect back to VTTI’s Data Center MEC equipment utilizing a fiber link providing ultra-low latency communications. VTTI provided the C-V2X infrastructure to connect the system’s Video Analytics solution, which generates alerts and warnings for road users such as pedestrians, vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles.
- This project provides another safety layer for road users along the intersection. The Private 5G network allows ultra-low latency communications between multiple cameras installed around the intersection and the Edge and MEC Servers to run video analytics for alert generation based on six specific use cases:
- Collision prediction
- Street parking notification
- Traffic accident detection
- Pedestrian crossing detection
- Vehicle detection for right and left turns
- Overspeed detection
- The total system latency for this testing phase was approximately 350ms, i.e., from when the event started to when pedestrians and vehicles would receive the alert. Although the research team was encouraged by the latency achieved, for safety-critical alerts such as these, every millisecond counts so improvements would increase the effectiveness of such alerts.
Final Report
EWD & T2 Products
- Developed a PowerPoint presentation and shared with VTRC/VDOT our VCC 2023 bi-weekly discussions about this implementation and how it can improve traffic intersection safety. Presentation available here.
- Lead a demonstration section that showcases the 5G and C-V2X/PC5 smart intersection implementation on the Smart Road during the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative Technology Showcase event. News on demonstration here.
- Student Impact Statement(pdf): One undergraduate received funding under this project (Daniel Burdisso, an undergraduate in Computer Science from VT). This file contains a statement by Daniel Burdisso as to the impact this project had on education and workforce development.
Talledo Vilela, J.P., and Miller, M., (2023, February 16). Private 5G Technology and Implementation Testing. Webinar SafeD Virtual Webinar is available here. PDF of PowerPoint slides from Webinar available here.
Talledo Vilela, J.P., Miller Marty (2023). CCI Symposium 2023 (04/17/23), Richmond, VA, United States.
Final Dataset
The final datasets for this project are located in the Safe-D Collection on the VTTI Dataverse; DOI: 10.15787/VTT1/OH9JG0.
Research Investigators (PI*)
Elizabeth White (VTTI/VT)*
Mike Mollenhauer (VTTI/VT)*
Jean Paul Talledo Vilela (VTTI/VT)*
Marty Miller (VTTI/VT)*
Project Information
Start Date: 2021-11-01
End Date: 2023-03-15
Status: Complete
Grant Number: 69A3551747115
Total Funding: $166,406
Source Organization: Safe-D National UTC
Project Number: 06-006
Safe-D Theme Areas
Safe-D Application Areas
Performance Measures
Risk Assessment
Vulnerable Users
Driver Factors and Interfaces
More Information
Sponsor Organization
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology
University Transportation Centers Program
Department of Transportation
Washington, DC 20590 United States
Performing Organization
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
3500 Transportation Research Plaza
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061